LBC Constitution
(as amended at the 2018 AGM)
The Club
The Club shall be called the Lincolnshire Bird Club and can be referred to informally
as Lincs Bird Club and abbreviated to LBC.
Its aims shall be to encourage and further an interest in the birdlife of the historic
County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and
publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to
encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound
information on which conservation policies can be based.
The Club shall be administered by a Committee comprising the five Officers and a
minimum of three elected members. The County Recorder (see para. 2.7) shall be
an ex
officio member and shall be entitled to vote. A quorum of the Committee shall
be four.
The officers shall be a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, IT Officer and Membership
Secretary. They shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to serve for a
term of three years; they shall be eligible for immediate re-election.
Ordinary members of the Committee shall be elected by the membership at an AGM
to serve for a term of three years, but are eligible for immediate re-election.
Vacancies arising among the Officers or members of Committee for any reason may
be filled by co-option at the discretion of the Committee. Members co-opted in this
way shall serve until the next AGM, and are then eligible for election in the normal
way. They are entitled to vote.
The Committee shall also have power to co-opt any additional individual, or
representative of any organisation whose experience or advice it requires. Such an
individual shall not be entitled to vote.
The Committee may appoint such sub-committees as it requires to study or advise
on specific matters, and shall decide their terms of reference at the time of
The Committee will appoint one or more County Recorders.
All matters relating to the business of the Club shall be decided by the Committee in
accordance with the Constitution. No individual member of the Committee may
commit the Club to any activity without reference to the Committee, except that
decisions required urgently may be made by the five Officers in consultation. Such
decisions must be referred to the Committee as soon as possible.
Suitable distinguished persons may be asked to serve as President or Vice-
Presidents of the Club; such posts to be honorary.
Cheques and other financial documents shall be signed by any two of the following
Officers: Treasurer, IT Officer, Secretary, Chairman. The Treasurer may operate and
have access to the club's accounts online, make payments solely, subject to a £500
daily limit, and delegate access to other Officers of the committee.
The Statement of Accounts for each financial year (which shall be the calendar year)
shall be audited, the Auditors being appointed for the purpose at the previous AGM.
A copy of the Constitution shall be given to every member.
Minutes shall be kept of all business meetings of both the Club and the Committee.
Such Minutes shall be open to inspection by any member upon application to the
Secretary, at a time and place convenient to the Secretary.
The grades of membership shall be: Ordinary, Family (two adults and the children of
either who are resident with them and under eighteen); Junior (under eighteen);
Senior Citizen (over sixty); and Corporate. The appropriate membership fees for
each grade shall be determined by the Committee and put to the AGM for approval
before any changes are implemented.
Membership will be for one calendar year starting on the date the subscription is
paid. New members will receive a free copy of the last published Bird Report.
Any member bringing the Club into disrepute may have their membership withdrawn
after consideration of the circumstances by the full Committee; a two-thirds majority
shall be required to withdraw membership. The membership fee will not be returned.
Such a person shall have the right of appeal to an AGM, or a Special General
Members shall be entitled to receive, without charge, the annual Bird Report and
Club Newsletters.
The Club shall aim to publish an annual Bird Report covering Lincolnshire, and also
a more frequent Newsletter.
The annual Bird Report and the Newsletters shall be issued free to members. The
annual Bird Report will be available for sale to non-members.
The Club may also publish other reports, books or other items on an occasional
basis, as the Committee decides.
General Meetings
All individual and family members over the age of fourteen shall be entitled to vote at
General Meetings. Corporate members shall have one vote.
An AGM shall be held in March every year, to hear the reports of the Officers and
Committee, (including the Statement of Accounts for the previous year), to hold
elections and to appoint the Auditors.
Members shall receive at least twenty-eight clear days notice of the holding of the
AGM. Seconded proposals for Officers or members of the Committee (which must
be countersigned by the member proposed), or motions for discussion by the
meeting shall be received by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the AGM.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time by a majority decision
of the full Committee or at the request of ten members. Notice of such a meeting
must be given within fourteen days of the receipt of such a request or decision by the
Secretary, and the meeting must be held within twenty-eight days of the receipt of
the decision or request.
Fifteen members present at the commencement of either an AGM or a SGM shall
form a quorum. If a quorum is not formed then the meeting shall be reconvened
within two calendar months on a date to be decided by the Secretary.
The Constitution of the Club may only be changed at an AGM, after notification of
the proposed change to the membership by announcement on the website and
newsletter to members. To make such a change, a simple majority vote shall be
required. Changes so made shall take effect immediately.