Welcome to the St James' Peregrine Webcam 2023.

This page is updated with the latest news from St James's.  LIVE images click http://www.louthperegrines.org.uk/video.html.

For news from our other Peregrine webcam at St Wulfram's click here. For St James' 2022 blog click here, and for 2021 blog click here.

If you would like to make a donation to LBC to support the installation and running of this webcam and further conservation projects in the future please click below;

5th April 2023

The third egg arrives at 13.04hrs

1st April 2023 

The first egg of 2023 arrived at 21.15hrs!

2023 1stegg

The first changeover...


31st March 2023 

A visiting male disturbed the peace yesterday afternoon. Our female interacted with it for a few mnutes until it finally flew west and out of sight. Meanwhile 'our' male perched on one of the cornets, calling.

The female slept on the nest from 23.00 to 05.00 this morning.

peg overnight

11th March 2023

The second of at least 5 visits to the nest tray today.

5th March 2023

A courtship gift delivered to the nest tray today on the 5th March 2023.


4th March 2023

A pre-dawn visit to the nest tray on the 4 March 2023.



3rd March 2023

It’s early March and the peregrines have returned to the tower and courtship has begun. Fingers crossed for another successful year in 2023

26th February 2023

After a couple of days absence, the female visited the nest at 09.25 this morning, staying for a few minutes...

 22nd February 2023

Visits by the pair are now more regular and the female is staying longer - often 30 minutes, examining the nest, creating a depression and eating gravel. First egg a month away?

 7th February 2023

And they are back... the St James's, Louth peregrines return to the tower nest tray for the first time in 2023 (and a year to the day, its on the exact same date as in 2022, its just like clockwork)!

About Us

We are the Lincolnshire Bird Club

Our aims are to encourage and further the interest in the birdlife of the historic County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound information on which conservation policies can be based.