Nearest Postcode: NG32 2HN (which is about 500 metres north of the car park!)
Address:Barkston Rd, Marston, Grantham NG32 2HN
OS Map: The car park is 400m south down Barkston Road at NGR SK 89274 42745.
How to get there
Marston STW
What to see
Much of the marsh comprises of swamp, which is dominated by reed sweet grass and areas of locally dominant greater reedmace and greater willowherb. Large areas of reedbed are present towards the west of the site along with a number of large areas of standing water.
A large hawthorn hedgerow is present along the south of the site with occasional blackthorn, hazel and field maple. A species-rich hedgerow comprising of hawthorn, blackthorn, guelder rose, field maple, hazel and elder is situated across the centre of the site. An area of species-poor semi-improved grassland grazed by horses is present at the north-west of the site. A ditch with steep banks and running water is present along the northern boundary of the site. The banks of this ditch are dominated by common nettle and great willowherb.
A footpath runs along the southern boundary of the site and give access to the bird hide at NGR SK 89482 42814, views of the reedbed at approx NGR SK 89739 42718 and the eastern end of the site between SK 90230 42586 and SK 90547 42549.
In summer the site supports breeding sedge and reed warblers. In winter there is a locally important over-wintering population of water rail.
Site Details, footpaths, viewpoints etc..

The information shown on this page is produced as a general site guide and was considered correct at the time of writing. Users are responsible for their own safety and follow the information at their own risk. Users should consider not only the onsite conditions but also weather, tides, time of day, obstacles and onsite signage. Always follow the birdwatchers' code.
We are always keen to keep the birding site pages as up to date as possible, please send new information, additional photographs and comments to info @ - Thanks!
Information by: Andrew P. Chick
Date: Dec 2017