Nearest Postcode: PE22 0LY
Address:Shore Rd, Boston PE22 0LY
OS Map: NGR TF 39742 42381
How to get there
For more details see the RSPB website at
RSPB Freiston Shore
What to see
At RSPB Freiston Shore you can get excellent views of waterbirds on the salt water lagoon, especially at high tide when wading birds roost, sometimes in their thousands.
Summer is a good time to see nesting wading birds, including avocets and ringed plovers. In winter, brent geese congregate along with ducks such as wigeons, pintails, teals and shelducks. Tree sparrows, yellowhammers and skylarks are common around the reserve throughout the year.
The saltmarsh is good for watching hunting birds of prey, while eiders and red-breasted mergansers and other diving ducks can be seen offshore during winter.
On high tides good but distant sea watching from what the locals call the bus stop can get several species
Site Details, footpaths, viewpoints etc..

Base map copyright Google Earth
The information shown on this page is produced as a general site guide and was considered correct at the time of writing. Users are responsible for their own safety and follow the information at their own risk. Users should consider not only the onsite conditions but also weather, tides, time of day, obstacles and onsite signage. Always follow the birdwatchers' code.
We are always keen to keep the birding site pages as up to date as possible, please send new information, additional photographs and comments to info @ - Thanks!
Information by: Andrew P. Chick
Date: Dec 2017