The Lincolnshire Bird Club
Cordially invites you to Whisby Nature Park Education Centre from 13.30hrs on Saturday March 15, 2025, for a talk by Conor Jameson at 14.00hrs on
"The Remarkable Life and Times of Naturalist, Author and Campaigner W.H. Hudson (1841-1922)"
The talk is free to everyone and will be followed by a brief break, then the Annual General Meeting (only paid up members allowed to speak and vote).
1 Chairman's welcome
2 Apologies for absence
3 To approve minutes of the previous AGM (as posted on the LBC website)
4 Any matters arising from the minutes
5 Hon Chairman’s Address
6 Presentation of the Audited Accounts
7 Re-appointment of Auditor
8 Reports (if any) from other Officers
9 To elect Pete Locking as Honorary Secretary
10 To re-elect remainder of Committee en bloc
11 Any other motions previously notified in writing or via email to the Honorary Secretary before noon on 15th February, 2025, and accepted by the Honorary Chairman
12 Questions from members
13 Any other business