Lincolnshire Rare and Scarce Bird Report 2000-2002

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Introduction : The Lincolnshire Rares Report 2000-2002

Summary of Rare and Scarce Birds in Lincolnshire for the years 2000-2002

Review of the year 2000

Review of the year 2001

Review of the year 2002

Selected Systematic List 2000-2002

Accounts of Lincolnshire Rarities 2000-2002

Pied Wheatear, November 2000, Kevin Wilson
Green Heron, September 2001, Andrew Stanworth
Lesser Sand Plover, May 2002, Barry Clarkson
Little Swift, June 2002, Kevin Wilson
Ross's Goose, November 2002, Graham Catley

List of Contributors

Cover bound, 76 pages

includes 28 colour photographs + 1 bar chart + numerous monthly totals


£2.00 Per copy + £1.60 Post and Packing

About Us

We are the Lincolnshire Bird Club

Our aims are to encourage and further the interest in the birdlife of the historic County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound information on which conservation policies can be based.