The 2010 Lincolnshire Bird Report

LBC 2010

£2.00 + £2.10 postage

On behalf of the Lincolnshire Bird Club it gives me great pleasure in presenting the annual report on the birds of Lincolnshire 2010.

This year for the first time we have been able to incorporate BBS data into the Lincolnshire Bird Report. The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is run by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is jointly funded by BTO, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).  The BBS was launched in 1994, to provide more representative habitat coverage than the Common Bird Census (CBC) that was running at that time.  The CBC ended in 2000, and the overlap period between 1994 and 2000 allowed the BTO to develop methods for calculating long term trends (from the 1960s to the present) using information from both schemes.

It is my personal opinion that the most important role of the Lincolnshire Bird Club is to produce a county bird report. The 2010 bird report builds on the success of the 2009 and 2008 bird reports, which were the first annual bird reports to be produced by the Lincolnshire Bird Club since 1996. This report would not be possible without submitted bird records, and although we can’t promise to print every single record received we will acknowledge all contributors. I appeal to everyone to continue submitting records to ensure the future production of the county report. 


With 230 pages and 100's of colour images this report is great value.

To order a copy of the Lincolnshire Bird Report please send a cheque to the address below or click to buy online:


£2.00 + £2.10 postage

About Us

We are the Lincolnshire Bird Club

Our aims are to encourage and further the interest in the birdlife of the historic County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound information on which conservation policies can be based.