Species of suspect origin
The Lincolnshire List comprises only species in Categories A, B and C of the British List, maintained by the British Ornithologists’ Union (for a full explanation of species categories go to www.bou.org.uk/british-list/). Only those species considered to have occurred in the county in a natural state or, if non-native species, as self-sustaining populations are included on the county list. Species of suspect origin are categorised as being in Category D, E or E*.
Species in Category D would otherwise appear in Category A, except that there is reasonable doubt that they have occurred in Britain in a natural state. Species placed only in Category D form no part of the British List, and are not included in the species totals. Category D is a holding category and is not intended to be a long-term assignment of any species. The species are reviewed periodically with a view to assign them to either Category A or Category E.
Category E comprises those species that have been recorded as introductions, human-assisted transportees or escapees from captivity, whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. Species in Category E that have bred in the wild in Britain are designated as E*. The extra-limital occurrence of Bearded and Egyptian Vultures has been the subject of much debate among the European records committees given the reintroduction schemes in place in Europe overseen by the Vulture Conservation Foundation (https://4vultures.org/) which has seen some released, captive-bred birds wandering across Europe, including the Bearded Vulture which turned up in various English counties in 2020 including Lincolnshire. Similarly, an Egyptian Vulture was seen in the county in May 2021 and later, presumably the same bird was on the Isles of Scilly in June 2021.
This appendix contains details of species occurring in Lincolnshire only through deliberate or accidental human activity, and without self-sustaining populations in the county. These are commonly termed escapes and do not form part of the Lincolnshire List. Species whose status is of national debate and which do not attract Category A status at present are also included.
All text and data in the Lincs List are © Lincolnshire Bird Club, and images are © of the photographers.